Friday, July 22, 2011

This Month's Tristate Area's Team Featured Artist Friday Shop is: Charles and Wendie Colvin's  Shop

How did you get started with making and designing jewelry?

One day me and my husband Charles, were in a book store. He showed me a magazine featuring a beautiful bracelet that I fell in love with. He said he could make it for me, and he did!!!! That was the beginning of a beautiful jewelry crafting relationship.

How long have you been selling your pieces on Etsy?

We opened our shop in May of 2010 after I was laid off from my day job.

How do you go from inspiration to finished piece?

We normally find inspiration everywhere! Sunny days, nature, bright colors, anything that would be translated into something you can wear.

What is your favorite material to work with? Why?

Because of its malleability, strength, lack of understanding and color, copper is our most favorite media. Untreated natural copper develops a beautiful green-like patina over time that cannot be imitated or forced. A brand new piece of jewelry made out of shiny copper is beautiful and you can keep it that way by simply dipping it in jewelry cleaner, but if you want the piece to evolve over time, letting the patina be can also bring about very satisfying consequences for that very piece!

Are you working on any new projects? 

I have been thinking about a new media that I am experimenting with. Right now I have hope that I can bring it to life for our fall collection. Stay tuned!!!
Do you have a favorite piece of jewelry?

We just sold it - it was a bitter sweet moment - It is a rustic copper cuff bracelet that my husband made, and I am asking him to make another one so that I can wear it!!!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I want to continue to craft, evolve into new media and be able to sustain ourselves by farming and crafting. I am certainly hopeful this can happen by then.

What are your 3 favorite Etsy shops?
